1) I want Dreads.
2) Like 'different' piercings.
3) Russell Brand is hot.
4) I watch movies with the subtitles on.
5) Getting abit obsessed with Gold jewelry.
6) Making a collection of perfume bottles.
7) Wanna stretch my ear.
8) I drink about 10 cups of tea a day.
9) Wanna learn how to play guitar, surf and skateboard.
10) Pretty independant.
11) Love candles... particularly scented ones.
12) Like 'coffee table' books.
13) I like writing lists.
14) I get excited really easily.
15) I'm abit of a groupie.
16) I prefer buying jewelry to clothes.
17) Some would describe me as sarcastic. lol
18) I make friends easily and am pretty optimistic.
19) I'm rarely on time to things.
20) Most of my clothes are black.
21) I love bright nail polish although i can't paint my right hand! :(
22) I don't really like to be the center of attention.
23) I have a 'thing' for cute Surfers, Musicians and Skaters. <3
24) I don't like it when people swear unnecissarily and when people don't have manners.
25) I am rubbish at arguing.